To make vertical or horizontal piles of 3 (at least) identical token. I let to you discover the special tokens...
You can use the stylet: a tap to move your token, a tap to take a token, a tap to release a token
Or the rocker (5-way pad): right - left, up - down
You must install the following files:
- zion_fr.prc for the French version - zion_en.prc for the English version - Zion_HiRes.pdb : Palm Hires (320x320 / 320x480) T3, T5, TX, LD, etc. ou - Zion_LoRes.pdb : Palm Lores (160x160) le Z22, Zire 31, etc.
If you want to have background images (as on the pictures), you can install the following files:
- Zion_Animals.pdb - Zion_Landscape.pdb - Zion_Sea.pdb - Zion_Space.pdb
You can install the four, or only the topics which you like
You will find the install files here